E-Book: How to choose your Yoni Egg
A Yoni Egg is a very intimate, personal thing to buy over the internet - especially when each crystal is completely unique and may have slightly different colourings and crystalline inclusions.
The most common question we get asked is: “Which yoni egg do I start with?”
Most of the time we suggest a medium sized yoni egg, with a drilled hole and in Nephrite Jade. However this might not always suit each woman because as well all know, every vagina is different and every woman has had a different experience with her pelvic floor, childbirth and sexuality.
This e-book will help you determine which size, which style and which crystal yoni egg is right for you.
You will learn:
Choosing what size is right for you + which sizes are available
Choosing Drilled or Non-Drilled + with or without string
Which crystal to start with + different crystal properties
Our e-book is beautifully designed with diagrams and images to help you make the best choice for you.
Love Rosie and the YPP team xo